Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
Only abstracts submitted by paid registrants will be considered for inclusion in the program. Limit abstracts to 200 words.
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes (12 minute talk, 3 minutes for questions). Slides should be presentable on a PC, Windows 10. We strongly recommend Microsoft Powerpoint.
Each speaker should receive an email with instructions for emailing the presentation to Box (a cloud-based system used by Washington and Lee University, similar to Dropbox). No later than the break prior to your session, please check with the audiovisual technician to ensure your presentation has been loaded in the appropriate folder and can be opened on the resident computer. As back up, presenters should bring presentation files on a thumb drive or be able to download the presentation file from the internet to the local computer.
Poster Session
The poster session will be on the main floor of Leyburn Library. Posters will be displayed on easels and thus should be 30 X 40 inches (72.2 X 101.6 cm) in diameter. Posters can be displayed in either orientation (30wide X 40long or 30long X 40wide). Posters should be hung on the appropriate easel in the main floor of Leyburn Library between 8:30am and 3:00pm on Tuesday, June 18.